Improving Accounts
at Zero Collective
Redesigning customer accounts for a more personalized and intuitive experience
Zero Collective
1.5 weeks
Nov 2024
1 Developer
1 Product Designer (me!)
UI/UX design
Website development
Zero Collective is Canada’s first membership to rent designer bags.

01 Why redesign accounts?

When we launched V1 of our membership platform, some of our pages used pre-built solutions, including accounts, to quickly ship features.
However, as we grew, the account page became problematic:
It lacked key functionalities
Information existed in non-intuitive places
It had unclear visual hierarchy & headings
Overall, there was a failure in the product because members would consistently reach out for information that should be in their accounts. My goal was to (1) give members more control and (2) provide a satisfying experience each time a user visited their account.

02 Membership Management

I created the 'Memberships' tab to give users more autonomy over their bags & subscriptions.
Members can now update and add multiple subscriptions, view their current bag statuses, and pause their membership.
i kept current bags and subscriptions separate to reinforce a membership experience, instead of just "renting a bag"
i kept current bags and subscriptions separate to reinforce a membership experience, instead of just "renting a bag"

03 New: Wishlist, Order History

Previously, wishlists were only visible to the Zero Team, and we manually notified members when bags became available. This led to members not knowing which bags they'd saved and repeatedly adding the same ones.
Apart from confirmation emails, there wasn't information on order history either.
In the updated version, we now have:
Zero Collective Account, Order History
shows bag availability and links back to the product page
displays when and how long a member carried a bag

04 Re-organization!

A key problem was users often had to guess where to locate information. (what does 'account' mean? why is billing address in 'account' and not 'billing'?)
To solve this, I organized the remaining information into new tabs, each with distinct sections:
+ preferences for better recommendations
+ ability to save multiple options
+ billing address stored with card details
Zero Collective Account, Addresses
Zero Collective Account, Billing
The mobile view also went through several iterations:
original – profile shouldn't be the default view, and the dropdown select is clunky
Original mobile account navigation
iteration –  the horizontal scroll is awkward to use with all the added tabs
Second iteration of mobile account navigation
current version – preferred layout from user feedback

05 Results

Key outcomes from this redesign:
  • Users have more control over their memberships
  • Intuitive visual hierarchy & information structure
  • Fewer emails from members, indicating a smoother client experience
As our services evolve and more user flow analytics come in, we'll iterate on the accounts page to keep it clear & effortless to use (by the time you read this, it may be very different!)
appreciation cookies 🍪
thank you to dan pappo (an exceptional sounding board) + jake rudolph (feedback on mobile views!)
appreciation cookies 🍪
thank you to dan pappo (an exceptional sounding board) + jake rudolph (feedback on mobile views!)
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